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Brouilly and Côte de Brouilly : they play the scale of pleasures

Winegrowers’ portraits

Winegrowers’ Portraits Saint Lager

Brouilly and Côte de Brouilly

they play the scale of pleasures

Both crus are different, complementary, and have one thing in common besides their geographical nearness: the Brouilly and Côte de Brouilly wines rhyme with pleasure.

De gauche à droite : Anna-Maria Yordanova, chargée de mission Charte Internationale de Fontevraud au Pays des Brouilly; Chantal Pegaz, Domaine Baron de L’Ecluse et Michel Trichard, président de L’Association des crus Brouilly
et Côte de Brouilly

"On a meal, you can drink a Brouilly and a Côte de Brouilly; you have the same range and two different pleasures”, explains Chantal Pegaz from Domain Baron de L’Écluse, member of the Asso­ciation of producers of Brouilly and Côte de Brouilly wines. Both crus from the magnificent Beaujolais region are neigh­bouring but stemming from two different terroirs. The fruity, floral and gour­met wines from Brouilly result from granite, poor or sandy soils. The Côte de Brouilly show a more full-bodied character, more present tannins and a better ageing potential. The metamorphic lava of the primary era that compose the hill where the Gamay expresses with powerful­ness and elegance are probably not irrelevant!

Masculine, feminine

We have volumes, climates and variations”, Michel Trichard from Domain Trichard, president of the Association, states. Brouilly is the largest cru of the Beaujolais area, it spreads over 1,300 ha. Côte de Brouilly is the most central. If the latter only totals 320 hectares, it displays all its grandeur from above the 483 meters of the Mount Brouilly. An altitude that gives freshness and depth in the glass. The lightness and suppleness of the feminine Brouilly completes the heady side of the masculine Côte de Brouilly. “The handpicking of the whole bunches enable to express a wide range of aromas. The wines are well-balanced and have low alcohol contents—12.5° generally” the president of the appellations confides. Other asset: both crus easily pair with topical dishes—evening buffets with the freshness of the Brouilly, Mediterranean dishes and pan-fried meat with the complex expression of the Côte de Brouilly.

Secrets of the earth unveiled

Half an hour away from Lyon, these vineyard landscapes, however, seem far from the capital of gastronomy. The wine growers of the Association of Producers of Brouilly and Côte de Brouilly wines introduce this extraordinary potential. At the Association's house in Saint Lager, Chantal Pegaz evokes a project: “We are going to create a Geoscope on the hill of Brouilly, a geological park to understand the influence of the earth on human life, on its territory. How man has shaped his environment.” Work on the landscapes and patrimonial richness has already been undertaken. Brouilly region adheres to the Charter of Fontevraud which values the cultural and touristic wealth of the vineyard and wine landscapes. Passion for this terroir is tangible. This gives birth to wines with beautiful personality!

Surprising old vintages

All year through professionals can discover in one and only place—l'Espace des Brouilly—more than 80 references. The big winepress by itself and the atmosphere it creates are worth the trip. For those who still have a doubt on the ageing potential of the crus from Beaujolais, the tasting of old vintages during the Fête des Crus is the key for discovery. Revelation is in the glass. But subscription is compulsory to have access to this exceptional appointment*.
Texte et Photos: Sophie Senty * Fête des Crus, April 27th and 28th 2013, in Odenas. Information :

Espace des Brouilly.

Association des Producteurs
des Crus de Brouilly et de Côtes de Brouilly

des Crus de Brouilly et de Côtes de Brouilly
Parc de la Mairie - 69220 Saint Lager
Tél: +33 (0) 4 74 66 82 65