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Southern Burgundy, a land of hedonism

In 2015, the Climats of the Burgundy vineyards were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. This recognition underscores the global significance of the Burgundy vineyard, with its 84 appellations, including 33 Grand Crus, cementing France's reputation on the international stage.   Mâcon: between vineyards and Plume To showcase its terroir, particularly the craftsmanship of its winemakers and the richness of its wines, Burgundy inaugurated the “Cité des Climats et Vins de Bourgogne” on June 17, 2023. Spread across three distinct sites—Chablis, Beaune, and Mâcon—this ambitious project... Read more



2012 international year of the co-operatives

France Janvry 2012 International Year of the Co-operatives The general assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 2012 “international year of...


Vinisud exhibition

France Montpellier VINISUD Exhibition The Sommeliers are also in first line The Vinisud Exhibition resolutely turned towards the Mediterranean, reunited...


Egast & cook show a success to savour

France Strasbourg Egast & cook show A SUCCESS TO SAVOUR From 18th till 21st March of this...


Azerbaijan : land of fire but also land of wine

Monde Azerbaijan Azerbaïjan : land of fire but also land of wine Called “Land of Fire” by the Ancient Zoroastrians, Azerbaijan...


The President of the Hong Kong and China Sommeliers Association in Bordeaux

France Bordeaux The President of the Hong Kongand China Sommeliers Association in Bordeaux...

Articles French Sommellerie

Quand Bordeaux invite l’Alsace…

Sommeliers d’Aquitaine Alsace Quand Bordeaux invite l’Alsace… L’Association des Sommeliers d’Aquitaine recevait Thierry Fritsch, œnologue...
