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Bordeaux wines, your style

"Bordeaux wines, your style"

Reconsider the brand Bordeaux

Graduated from the Reims Management School, with a solid 18-year professional experience in strategic and operational marketing for big groups in the beverage universe (Moët-Hennessy, Coca Cola, Kronenbourg), François Jumeau has been intrusted last summer with the implementation of the plan 'Bordeaux tomorrow' adopted by the field in 2010.

"It consists in implementing the plan ‘Bordeaux tomorrow’, keeping focused on the export while reviving the relations with the French prescribers, because the domestic market is extremely important: it represents 63% (37% at export – 2011 figures)”, François Jumeau, Marketing manager of the Interprofessional Committee of Bordeaux wines, confirms. “The wine universe is interesting and complex at the same time. It is a strong, even dominant, dimension. Hence the importance of restaurateurs and sommeliers.”
The educational part that backs on Bordeaux Wine School will be reinforced as the product is complex (appellations, vintages, colours…). Common basis have to be settled in order to better comprehend Bordeaux wines, their diversity, their richness and accessibility. “We have to break the a priori assumptions. For this, from late 2011, we realized an international communication campaign to restore the image of Bordeaux wines in the six main markets: Germany, Belgium, China, France, Japan and the USA, given that the CIVB already initiated a specific advert for the United-Kingdom. Bordeaux wines have to regain their status of reference. The catch line “Bordeaux, des vins, un style” in France—“Bordeaux wines, your style” in the other countries—shows that Bordeaux is a lifestyle and can accompany the consumers in different occasions and in their living environment” he insists.

François Jumeau

A message for the general public but also aimed at restaurateurs and sommeliers … so that everyone appropriates again the image of Bordeaux wines. The results of the follow-up tests testify the success of this campaign that will now be adapted on the diversity of the Bordeaux (rosé, white, sweet).

Another axis is about the digital part and the development of the social networks that enable a more personalized communication. Especially the “Smartbordeaux” that will be available next September during the Wine Fairs, with a specific information. A tool for both consumers and professionals. “In France, we are like Mister Jourdain in Molière; we speak ‘wine’ without really being aware of the ins and outs. Hence the importance of sommeliers, restaurateurs, cellars and their role in the recommen-dation of wines. They are essential to transmit a clear message on our Bordeaux wines to their customers who have their own perception and vocabulary. We have to work with the catering field and revive the dialogue in order to make the professionals ‘re-consider’ the universe of Bordeaux wines” he confirms.
The discovery program of the ‘affordable Bordeaux’ continues abroad with the prescribers. For the moment, the price is often a default indicator, to find other catch lines and adapt the means to needs. A reflexion started about the segmentation of the offer of Bordeaux.
“To introduce Bordeaux wines in people’s life and make them understand the quality and diversity of our wines, we have to lean on the sommellerie by regaining closeness with this profession. We have to give back Bordeaux its place in the mind and heart of these professionals” François Jumeau concludes.

Interview of François Jumeau –Marketing manager of the CIVB
Florence Varaine

Plan 'Bordeaux Tomorrow':
1- Reinforce the competitivity of the players of the field.
2 - Highlight the “brand” Bordeaux and the diversity of the offer.
3 - Reinforce the commercial dynamics.
4 - Manage efficiently the sector.

1 cours du XXX Juillet • 33075 Bordeaux Cédex
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