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Grandpa, tell me the vines

Book France Grandpa,
tell me the vines

Twelve stories that punctuate
a working year in a family-owned estate.

This album is aimed at a large audience that is interested in the links between the man and the terroir, and the transmission of knowledge. It is dedicated to children as from 4 years old.
In twelve stories to read or to tell, “Grand-père raconte-moi la vigne” leads us to the heart of our gentle and quiet countrysides. The grand-father teaches his grand-son Paul the wine grower's daily work, in the cellar, the harvest, the route of the grape until the bottling.
At his side, the little boy discovers the nature and the patience that he has to show to see the grape develop and produce good wine. And when the vine needs a boost, his grand-father is always there to help it, with his weird costume and his tractor.
Illustrated with watercolours and oil paintings, these twelve stories bring us back to the times of innocence, when insatiable desire for learning mixes with cheerfulness.
The texts and pictures adapted for children, the difficult words underlined and explained at the end of the book, make of the latter an excellent guide for initiation and transmission of this ancestral knowledge.

The author: Pascale Bounet, native from Lectoure in the Gers, is a child of the terroir. At the age of 15, she chose to work in the vitiviniculture. After she passed an advanced vocational training certificate (BTS) in viticulture/oenology in Blanquefort (Gironde), then a degree specialized in viniculture in Dijon, she starts her career in the Minervois region. She pursues her passion in the Médoc. As a teacher in viticultural agronomy and oenology, she trains students. Since 2006, she works in the village of Bages near Pauillac. The Clos de Bigos, small family-owned estate producing in the Margaux controlled appellation, is the cradle of this history. In this book Pascale translates all the pleasure she has in transmitting her passion.

The illustrator: Françoise Étourneaud was born in Bordeaux. She has a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in agronomy and her itinerary as a lecturer made her travel all over the world. She has a passion for painting. She lives in Saint-Estèphe (Gironde) and teaches in the Médoc.

Hardback book - 48 pages
Format: 21x21 cm
Price: €14.20

Editions Féret
24 allées de Tourny
33000 Bordeaux