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Portraits of winegrowers

Portraits of winegrowers

A new jewel for Ti’ arrangés de Ced' !

Spirit Sainte Pazanne A new jewel for Ti’arrangésde Ced' ! For the occasion of the 10th edition of La Route du Rhum competition, Cédric Brément, creator of...

Portraits of winegrowers

La Quintinye: the revival of Royal Vermouth

Spirit Merpins La Quintinyethe revival of royal vermouth Jean-Sébastien Robicquet, oenologist and master distiller, founder of Eurowinegate Spirits and Wine (EWG), presents...

Portraits of winegrowers

XO Crème: the perfect blend of Cognac and cream

Spiritueux Sainte-Lheurine XO Crèmethe perfect blend of Cognac and Cream An event in the SPIRIT world and a promIsE for the palate...

Portraits of winegrowers

Champagne le Château d’Avize: a top vineyard and winery

Winegrowers’ portraits Avize Champagne Le ChÂteau d’Avizea top vineyard and winery Although the restoration of Château d’Avize is not yet on the schedule, although...

Portraits of winegrowers

Champagne Vincent d’Astrée : the ambassador of Pinot Meunier

Winegrowers’ portraits Pierry Champagne Vincent d’Astréethe ambassador of pinot meunier Created in 1956, Champagne Vincent d’Astrée, chaired by Patrick Boivin, is a...

Portraits of winegrowers

Champagne Palmer : time mastered for divine cuvees

Winegrowers’ Portraits Reims CHAMPAGNE PALMERtime mastered for divine cuvees “Slowliness is splendour. What we do with time, time respects”, Rodin, eternal sculptor...
