He had been dreaming about it since 2019 when he finished at the 3rd place of the competition in Antwerp, Raimonds Tomsons did it and became, on February 12th in Paris the 17th World's Best Sommelier. Although the French country, which organises the competition, came in large numbers to support its candidate Pascaline Lepeltier, it was on the 4th step that the sommelier lost out to the 3 finalists: Raimonds Tomsons, Best Sommelier of Europe 2017, Latvia, Nina Jensen, Denmark, both already finalists in the 2019 World Competition, and Reeze Choi, China. Candidates under pressure The ASI... Read more
Enrico Bernardo first became enamoured with wine as he sipped his first glass, even before he knew about wine’s infinite culture or the many encounters he would make while travelling across...
The sommelier class presided over by Philippe Faure-Brac recorded a drop in the number of participants in the first tests. This was due to the pandemic. However, the level of the participants was...
Résumé du déjeuner-dégustation du Château Maison Noble Saint-Martin à Paris le 29 mars 2017 au restaurant Il Vino by Enrico Bernardo Meilleur Sommelier du Monde 2004, 1 étoile Michelin.
Cédric Bilien, sommelier and artist of the table service Trained and accompanied on a daily basis by Eric Beaumard, Best Young Sommelier of France 1987 and Best Sommelier of Europe and Africa 1994...
Pascaline Lepeltier and her substitute Benjamin Roffet make up the pair proposed to the technical committee of the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale, which will confirm this choice or...
On November 19, in Limassol, Cyprus, Italian Salvatore Castano, advisor and head sommelier at Friarwood Fine Wines, won the competition for the Best Sommelier in Europe and Africa. On the...