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Shinya Tasaki confirmed as president of the A.S.I.

A.G. of the A.S.I.

A.G. of the A.S.I. Sanremo

Shinya Tasaki
confirmed as president of the A.S.I.

The Japanese Best Sommelier of the World has been unanimously re-elected for three years, at the general assembly held in Sanremo, during the European Contest.

Le nouveau bureau de l’A.S.I. est composé de Saiko Tamura-Soga, Michèle Aström-Chantôme, Serge Dubs, Shinya Tasaki, Andrés Rosberg, Philippe Faure-Brac et Dino Totaro.

Elected in November 2010, during the Best Sommelier of Europe Contest held in Alsace, Shinya Tasaki was seeking re-election for a further three years in office as president of the A.S.I.
The sole candidate explained the reasons for his choice to the representatives of the 39 national associations present in Sanremo, on 30 September, 2013: “The work has not yet been completed, while several of the projects in my previous programme have already reached fruition. I would therefore like to continue this action in favour of the A.S.I.'s 56 country members, and, in particular, place them all on an equal footing.”
Determined to boost the Association's financial stability, Shinya Tasaki also evidenced the desire to expand the certi­fication examination. “It is consistent with support for training and education, and I would also like it to become a world standard.”

News from the Americas

The outgoing President underscored the efforts invested in marketing and communication: “The A.S.I.'s partners are satisfied with the work accomplished in this sphere over the past three years and I am determined for that to continue.”

Shinya Tasaki then introduced the team of people who will be working with him over the next three years. Michèle Aström-Chantôme will be in charge of the general secretariat, with Saiko Tamura-Soga as deputy. Philippe Faure-Brac will remain in charge of finance with the support of Luxembourger Dino Totaro. The vote also confirmed Serge Dubs as vice-president for Europe, while the VP for the Americas will be Andrés Rosberg from Argentina, who will replace Danio Braga from Brazil.
The technical committee in charge of the contests will now be led by Gérard Basset.
The By-laws committee will be headed by Jean Pallanca (Monaco), the Education committee will be run by Anne-Marie Foidl (Austria), and Giuseppe Vaccarini (Italy) will remain at the head of the committee for the examination of accreditation. Lastly, the Public relations, Communication and Marketing committee will be headed by Michèle Aström-Chantôme (Morocco).
Jean Bernard

Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (A.S.I.)