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SommelierS International Salon Meet the Pros

Whether red, white, rosé, still, or sparkling, wine is an integral part of French heritage. Once again, SommelierS International sought to highlight this heritage through its Meet the Pro salon. Over 200 professional tasters (sommeliers, importers, restaurateurs, wine merchants, bloggers) paraded through the majestic halls of the Intercontinental Bordeaux Grand Hôtel, where around 40 producers of wines, spirits, and accessories showcased their innovations and expertise.   This expertise was highly appreciated by the two masters of ceremonies, Raimonds Tomsons, ASI Best Sommelier of the... Read more


Portraits of winegrowers

Château La Commanderie

The beautiful red brick building, once the property of an officer of Napoleon, displays nothing ostentatious. It is said, however, that the name Commanderie would refer to the Order of the Knights...

Henry Clemens (S.I), Paolo Basso, Olivier Fargeot et Yann (S.I.) Portraits of winegrowers

Château Arnauld

The magistrate of Bordeaux, Pierre-Jacques Arnauld, bought in the 17th century the Priory of Arcins which became the Cru Arnauld before being renamed Château Arnauld. It is said that the Priory of...

Portraits of winegrowers

Château d’Agassac

A veil of mist hangs around the property when we arrive with the Best Sommelier of the World Paolo Basso in front of the gates of Château d'Agassac. Nothing in fact augured of a tasting to come...

Frédéric Castéja et Nelson Chow Portraits of winegrowers

Château Batailley

Last October, Nelson Chow, president of the Hong Kong and China Sommelier Association, pushed the doors of Château Batailley. Nothing glitzy in this pearl of Pauillac, it just releases something of...

Bernard Audoy et Nelson Chow Portraits of winegrowers

Château Cos Labory

It was a welcoming man with a benevolent face who opened his door to Nelson Chow, president of the sommeliers of China and Hong Kong, last October. Here, you cannot start a visit of Château Cos...

Portraits of winegrowers

Château Léoville Poyferré

Léoville Poyferré is now run by a woman! After almost 40 years presiding over the destiny of the chateau, Didier Cuvelier left over the reins to his cousin Sara Lecompte-Cuvelier in 2018. Last...
