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SommelierS International Salon Meet the Pros

Whether red, white, rosé, still, or sparkling, wine is an integral part of French heritage. Once again, SommelierS International sought to highlight this heritage through its Meet the Pro salon. Over 200 professional tasters (sommeliers, importers, restaurateurs, wine merchants, bloggers) paraded through the majestic halls of the Intercontinental Bordeaux Grand Hôtel, where around 40 producers of wines, spirits, and accessories showcased their innovations and expertise.   This expertise was highly appreciated by the two masters of ceremonies, Raimonds Tomsons, ASI Best Sommelier of the... Read more


Paolo Basso et Fabrice Sommier, avec la famille Tissier présentant ici leurs nouveaux habillages. Portraits of winegrowers

Champagne J.M. Tissier: on the way to innovation

Portrait Pierry Champagne J.M. Tissier On the way to innovation Taking advantage of the presence of Best Sommelier of the World...

Gérard Basset et Laurence Ployez Portraits of winegrowers

Champagne Ployez-Jacquemart:

Founded in 1930 by Marcel Ployez and Yvonne Jacquemart, the family house Ployez-Jacquemart celebrates its 85th anniversary in 2015! Laurence Ployez, heiress of the 3rd generation, marked the event by...

Jean-Claude Fourmon, président du Champagne Joseph Perrier, dans la galerie. Portraits of winegrowers

Champagne Joseph Perrier

Joseph Perrier is the only Champagne house to be rooted since the beginning at Châlons-en-Champagne, a town formerly covered with vineyards. The house celebrates its 190th anniversary this year...

Rémi Vervier présente la Maison Palmer, réhabilitée en nouveau lieu de réception. Portraits of winegrowers

Champagne Palmer: new reception room, symbol of history

Portrait Reims Champagne Palmer New reception room,symbol of history In 1959, the founders of the Palmer Champagne...

Portraits of winegrowers

Champagne Michel Gonet

Wine growers since 1802 the Gonets now are a great Champagne family. Their name originally from Lyon, gones (name given to the children who used to push the wagons in the silk factories), means...

Hervé et David Gaudinat Portraits of winegrowers

Champagne Gaudinat-Boivin

Since five generations the Gaudinat family grows wine in the Marne valley at the locality Mesnil-le Huttier in the village of Festigny, a top place for Pinot Meunier. To reveal its delicacy and...
