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Southern Burgundy, a land of hedonism

In 2015, the Climats of the Burgundy vineyards were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. This recognition underscores the global significance of the Burgundy vineyard, with its 84 appellations, including 33 Grand Crus, cementing France's reputation on the international stage.   Mâcon: between vineyards and Plume To showcase its terroir, particularly the craftsmanship of its winemakers and the richness of its wines, Burgundy inaugurated the “Cité des Climats et Vins de Bourgogne” on June 17, 2023. Spread across three distinct sites—Chablis, Beaune, and Mâcon—this ambitious project... Read more


Portraits of winegrowers

Château d’Agassac

A veil of mist hangs around the property when we arrive with the Best Sommelier of the World Paolo Basso in front of the gates of Château d'Agassac. Nothing in fact augured of a tasting to come...

Frédéric Castéja et Nelson Chow Portraits of winegrowers

Château Batailley

Last October, Nelson Chow, president of the Hong Kong and China Sommelier Association, pushed the doors of Château Batailley. Nothing glitzy in this pearl of Pauillac, it just releases something of...

Bernard Audoy et Nelson Chow Portraits of winegrowers

Château Cos Labory

It was a welcoming man with a benevolent face who opened his door to Nelson Chow, president of the sommeliers of China and Hong Kong, last October. Here, you cannot start a visit of Château Cos...

Portraits of winegrowers

Château Léoville Poyferré

Léoville Poyferré is now run by a woman! After almost 40 years presiding over the destiny of the chateau, Didier Cuvelier left over the reins to his cousin Sara Lecompte-Cuvelier in 2018. Last...

La cave d'Antoine Our files

Return to the true taste of wine

Best Sommelier of France 2018, appointed Personality of the Year by RVF in 2019, Pascaline Lepeltier declares: “I see myself as a symbol of the need to think about what we drink, what we eat. what...

Alain Brumont et Nelson Chow sur la parcelle de La Tyre. Portraits of winegrowers

Vignobles Brumont

He knows every single pebble, has dug holes everywhere he says laughing, studied, analyzed every inch of his land ... Alain Brumont quickly realized that it was not at the bottom of the valley that...
