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Raimonds Tomsons Latest news of the sommellerie

Raimonds Tomsons, Best Sommelier of the World 2023

He had been dreaming about it since 2019 when he finished at the 3rd place of the competition in Antwerp, Raimonds Tomsons did it and became, on February 12th in Paris the 17th World's Best Sommelier. Although the French country, which organises the competition, came in large numbers to support its candidate Pascaline Lepeltier, it was on the 4th step that the sommelier lost out to the 3 finalists: Raimonds Tomsons, Best Sommelier of Europe 2017, Latvia, Nina Jensen, Denmark, both already finalists in the 2019 World Competition, and Reeze Choi, China.   Candidates under pressure The ASI... Read more

Latest news of the sommellerie

Trois des quatre vainqueurs canadiens du concours du Meilleur Sommelier des Amériques : Elyse Lambert, Pier-Alexis Soulière et Véronique Rivest. Latest news of the sommellerie

5th ASI & APAS Contest of the Best Sommelier of the Americas

Aged 30, Quebecker joins his compatriots Ghislain Caron, Elyse Lambert and Véronique Rivest on the list of winners of a challenge that confirms the advent of North- and South-American sommeliers with...

Les candidats ont disputé les premières épreuves de sélection au Cercle national des armées qui accueille habituellement la phase finale du Master of Port. Latest news of the sommellerie

Selection for the Best Sommelier of France 2018

Thirty-nine candidates participated in the selection organized in Paris, and although the favourites are among the semifinalists, some feminine surprises appear. They will all meet again on September...

Vuk Vuletic au test de décantation. Latest news of the sommellerie


In mid-November, Serbian Sommelier Association (SERSA) organized the 7th National Sommelier Competition in Belgrade and the winner was Vuk Vuletić, 26-year-old sommelier from Belgrade. Contest was...

Bujar Tukuli Latest news of the sommellerie


On November 8 and 9, 2017 at Hotel Mondial, Tirana the championship “Albanian Best Sommelier 2017” was held. Nine Albanian sommeliers participated in this contest: Ersol Caco, Irdi Lushi, Aldiola...

Gérard Basset Latest news of the sommellerie

Les sommités britanniques du vin reçoivent l’ordre du Mérite agricole

Le 8 janvier dernier, quatre personnalités du monde britannique du vin se sont vues remettre l’Ordre du Mérite Agricole par l’Ambassadeur de France M. Jean-Pierre Jouyet. L’éminent sommelier,...

Pour permettre aux candidats de passer la sélection dans les meilleurs conditions possibles, le jury était dense et compétent. Latest news of the sommellerie

ASI Contest of the Best Sommelier of the World 2019

In Antwerp, he will participate for the 4th time in the world championship. A qualification he got after selection tests that brought together four other candidates in Paris. Like in Tokyo in 2013,...
