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SommelierS International Salon Meet the Pros

Whether red, white, rosé, still, or sparkling, wine is an integral part of French heritage. Once again, SommelierS International sought to highlight this heritage through its Meet the Pro salon. Over 200 professional tasters (sommeliers, importers, restaurateurs, wine merchants, bloggers) paraded through the majestic halls of the Intercontinental Bordeaux Grand Hôtel, where around 40 producers of wines, spirits, and accessories showcased their innovations and expertise.   This expertise was highly appreciated by the two masters of ceremonies, Raimonds Tomsons, ASI Best Sommelier of the... Read more


Portraits of winegrowers

Château Lagrange

Matthieu Bordes, the director of Château Lagrange, takes pleasure in standing in front of the acres of vines, some of which are over 45 years old. This discreet Classed Grand Cru of Saint-Julien...

Portraits of winegrowers

Château La Haye

A tutelary and multi-centenary cedar of Lebanon you cannot escape thrones in front of the elegant Château La Haye, one of the oldest of Saint-Estèphe. It is said that the lovers Henry II and Diane...

Eddy Larme et Paolo Basso Portraits of winegrowers

Château Ferré

Eddy Larme, in his early 40s, showing a sprightly and kind temper, welcomes you in front of his house. According to him, he would be like his wines: “I want to make wines that stick to my mind”....

Portraits of winegrowers

Château Branaire-Ducru

François-Xavier Maroteaux, co-owner and chairman of Château Branaire-Ducru, says it up front: with 85% of classed growths, Saint-Julien remains the most homogeneous appellation of the Médoc...

Lucie Lauilhé Portraits of winegrowers

Château Patache d’Aux

You drive, nearly get lost, before you arrive in front of this chateau in the middle of the village. Unconsciously you get the idea that you arrive at the end of arable land, but you don’t....

Portraits of winegrowers

Château Loudenne

A few kilometers from Saint-Estèphe, a haven of peace stands in front of an ocean-like estuary. One cannot remain indifferent to the tranquility and beauty of the place, marked by a rare 17th-...
